1. Install tftp-hpa (/usr/ports/ftp/tftp-hpa)
Install samba3, perl, python
2. Set pxeboot environment
Ref: http://jnlin.org/2006/10/29/141/
3. Change tftpd server to tftp-hpa
/usr/local/libexec/in.tftpd in.tftpd -v -m /tftpboot/rules -s /tftpboot
4. Write rules
(Warning! If you apply my rule, all filenames in tftproot must be lowercase)
# cat > /tftpboot/rules
ri ^[a-z]: # Remove “drive letters”
rg \\ / # Convert backslashes to slashes
rg \# @ # Convert hash marks to @ signs
rg /../ /..no../ # Convert /../ to /..no../
rg A a
rg B b
rg C c
rg D d
rg E e
rg F f
rg G g
rg H h
rg I i
rg J j
rg K k
rg L l
rg M m
rg N n
rg O o
rg P p
rg Q q
rg R r
rg S s
rg T t
rg U u
rg V v
rg W w
rg X x
rg Y y
rg Z z
r ^/(.*) \1
5. extract I386 files from Windows XP installation CD
(Ref: http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux.php)
– Copy i386 directory from the installation media to a subdir called winxp
in the ris working directory
– Extract the pxe loader:
– Modify the name of the loader from NTLDR to XPLDR:
sed -i -e ‘s/NTLDR/XPLDR/gi’ startrom.n12
– Move the modified pxe loader to tftpd root, and call it winxp.0
– Extract the setuploader, using cabextract:
– Modify the name of the response file from winnt.sif to winxp.sif
sed -i -e ‘s/winnt\.sif/winxp\.sif/gi’ setupldr.exe
– Modify the name of ntdetect from ntdetect.com to ntdetect.wxp
sed -i -e ‘s/ntdetect\.com/ntdetect\.wxp/gi’ setupldr.exe
– Move the modified setuploader to tftpd root, and call it xpldr
– Copy
and call it ntdetect.wxp
6. Create winxp.sif
(Ref: http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux.php)
floppyless = “1”
msdosinitiated = “1”
; Needed for second stage
OriTyp = “4”
LocalSourceOnCD = 1
DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin = 1
OsLoadOptions = “/fastdetect”
; Needed for first stage
SetupSourceDevice = “\Device\LanmanRedirector\YOUR_SERVER_NAME\YOUR_SERVER_SHARE\winxp”
ComputerName = *
; if needed
*** Remember to set the share folder in the samba server ***
Ref: http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/pxe.php
path = /mnt/disk/ris
browsable = true
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
7. Install NIC drivers to i386/inf
cp nicdrivers/* i386/inf
ln i386/inf/* i386/*
8. Rename all files in winxp to lowercase
find ./ -depth \ | perl -ne 'chomp;m</[^/]*$>;$d=$`;$_=$f=$&;'\ 's/([\x80-\xFF].)|(\w)/$1\l$2/g;system "echo",$d.$f,$d.$_ if $f ne $_'
9. Get Binl Server and extract it
fetch http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux-0.2.tar.gz
tar zxf http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux-0.2.tar.gz
cd ris-linux-0.2
10. Run infparser.py
./infparser.py /where/is/winxp/i386/inf
11. Run ./binlsrv.py
12. Go to install Windows XP 🙂
** Useful Ref **